Source code for goenrich.export

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import goenrich

[docs]def to_frame(nodes, **kwargs): """ export node attributes and key-values pairs to pd.DataFrame >>> to_frame(nodes, term = terms, pvalues = ps, ...) :param nodes: list of dictionaries with node attributes :param **kwargs: additional columns :returns: a pd.DataFrame """ names, namespaces = zip(*[(n['name'], n['namespace']) for n in nodes]) kwargs.update({'name' : names, 'namespace' : namespaces}) return pd.DataFrame(kwargs)
[docs]def to_graphviz(G, gvfile, graph_label='', **kwargs): """ export graph of signifcant findings to dot file. A png can be generated from the commandline using graphviz >>> import subprocess >>>['dot', '-Tpng', '', '>', 'filepath.png']) :param G: the graph to be exported :param gvfile: file or filepath :param graph_label: For empty label pass graph_label=''. """ for n in G: node = G.node[n] attr = {} attr['shape'] = 'record' if not np.isnan(node.get('q', float('NaN'))): attr['color'] = 'red' if node['significant'] else 'black' attr['label'] = "{name}\\n{x} / {n} genes\\nq = {q:E}".format(name=node['name'], q=node['q'], x=node['x'], n=node['n']) else: attr['color'] = 'black' attr['label'] = """{name}""".format(name=node['name']) G.node[n].clear() G.node[n].update(attr) A = nx.drawing.nx_agraph.to_agraph(G) A.graph_attr['label'] = graph_label A.graph_attr['labelloc'] = 't' if hasattr(gvfile, 'write'): A.write(gvfile) else: with open(gvfile, 'w') as f: A.write(f)